Transportation Technology and People Lab at Portland State University
Transportation including freight transportation and logistics, a multimodal approach that encompasses active, disruptive, and traditional modes.
We model, analyze, develop, and evaluate new transportation and logistics systems as well as new data collection technologies and advanced control systems.
While mobility and accessibility are essential, just as important are the impacts of transportation and logistics systems on equity, livability, and safety.
TTP is a group of multidisciplinary faculty members, researchers, and students evaluating new technologies and applying avanced modeling and data analysis techniques to complex logistics and transportation problems.
We believe that transportation and logistics systems have a significant impact on people’s health, the environment, and economic activity.
The TTP lab is located in the College of Engineering and Computer Science and part of the CEE Department at PSU. The group works on basic and applied research that benefits transportation stakeholders as well as educating students through real world transportation projects. Professors Figliozzi and Unnikrishnan are the research group leaders and lab co-directors.